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병리적 성격이란

by 오송인 2019. 7. 26.
Most persons acquire styles of relating to others that enable them to achieve an optimal level of satisfaction and security, as well as to maintain a reasonable degree of self-harmony. So-called normals may be differentiated from pathological personalities by the variety and character of the strategies they employ to achieve these goals. Healthy personalities draw on their strategies flexibly as they face changing demands and pressures. Psychologically impaired individuals, however, tend to be inflexible. They approach different events as if they were the same and utilize the same strategies they acquired in childhood, even though these are presently inappropriate. Once having learned a particular style that has worked for them, it continues to be used as if it were a sacred rulebook for navigating the future.


Disorders of Personality 3판, 537쪽.


외부 환경의 변화에도 한 가지 대인관계 대처 양식을 지속하는 것이 성격의 '병리'다. 카렌 호나이는 사람들에게 향함/사람들에게 맞섬/사람들에게서 멀어짐의 세 가지 유형으로 구분함. 제프리 영의 도식치료에서는 굴복/과잉보상/회피에 해당함.

