척추 수술 환자 89명을 대상으로 햇볕이 잘 드는 쪽 병실과 잘 들지 않는 쪽 병실을 사용하는 환자들 간의 차이를 살핀 연구입니다. 낮 동안에 햇볕을 많이 쬐는 것이 스트레스를 감소시키고 시간당 진통제 사용을 줄일 뿐만 아니라 유의미하진 않았지만(p = .058) McGill Pain Questionnaire (MPQ)로 측정한 주관적 통증의 수준을 감소시키는 것으로 나타나네요. 객관적 원인이 비교적 분명하지 않은 통증에도 햇볕이 통증 감소 효과를 불러올 가능성이 높다고 생각하고요. 허리든 어디든 몸 여기저기 아프신 분들은 가급적 햇볕을 많이 쬐는 것이 통증 감소에 도움이 될 수 있겠습니다. 더불어 수면의 질도 상당히 개선되고요.
Exposure to natural sunlight has been associated with improvement in mood, reduced mortality among patients with cancer, and reduced length of hospitalization for patients who have experienced myocardial infarction. Our aim was to evaluate whether the amount of sunlight in a hospital room modifies a patient’s psychosocial health, the quantity of analgesic medication used, and the pain medication cost.
A prospective study of pain medication use was conducted in 89 patients undergoing elective cervical and lumbar spinal surgery where they were housed on either the “bright” or “dim” side of the same hospital unit. Analgesic medication was converted to standard morphine equivalents for interpatient comparison. The intensity of sunlight in each hospital room was measured daily and psychologic questionnaires were administered on the day after surgery and at discharge.
Patients staying on the bright side of the hospital unit were exposed to 46% higher-intensity sunlight on average (p = .005). Patients exposed to an increased intensity of sunlight experienced less perceived stress (p = .035), marginally less pain (p = .058), took 22% less analgesic medication per hour (p = .047), and had 21% less pain medication costs (p = .047). Age quartile was the only other variable found to be a predictor of analgesic use, with a significant negative correlation (p <.001). However, patients housed on the bright side of the hospital consistently used less analgesic medications in all age quartiles.
The exposure postoperatively of patients who have undergone spinal surgery to increased amounts of natural sunlight during their hospital recovery period may result in decreased stress, pain, analgesic medication use, and pain medication costs.