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How you find what you really want?

by 오송인 2023. 1. 13.

source: UnsplashEtienne Girardet

Who Do You Want To Be? | Hidden Brain Media

This is an intriguing episode to me, because the title of this episode is similar to my question these days.

I still love my job, but I have been finding a better way and it requires of me that I have to know myself in a deeper way.

Who do I want to be? What am I striving for?

In this episode, professor of psychology Ken Sheldon suggests life hacks for becoming a person who you really want.

He explains that finding a better self seems like a creative process. First, you ask who do you want to be, then wait answers until the answers come up from your non-conscious minds.

Second, if you realize the answers, then you have to test in your situation. Test that which answer is to fit best for your situation. Just planning future based on your answers is not enough. Action and then adjust the plan from moment to moment.

In my view, the best idea in this episode is that autonomous motivation like identified motivation is the key to overcome obstacle when your intrinsic motivation wane.

Identified motivation is the kind where it’s not that you’re doing it because it’s fun and interesting. Instead, it’s you’re doing it because it’s meaningful. It expresses your values and it’s important to you.

Even if someone has found their calling, actualization of the calling going to be tough. So you have to clarify the values of your activity and your vision. It prevents giving up what you have strived and enables you to go through obstacles.

