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A school should invest in purchasing computers for students rather than books for the library. What is your opinion?

by 오송인 2023. 1. 19.

I think this question asked to me that what choices are best for improving learning ability of students.

I feel like I have to choose books, but it’s not a simple to answer.

As time goes by, the portion of online learning in public education is increasing, so purchasing computers is maybe the better options.

In the cases of developing countries, purchasing computers is absolutely better options rather than books because they need to have computer skills for learning.

In South Korea, there are few people who don’t have a personal computer. But, though every school has their own computer classroom, the rate of students per computer classroom is so high[1], so if who doesn’t have a PC in their home, he will be faced obstacles to learn by using a computer.

In this view, we still need to purchase computers for public education like developing countries though South Korea is not a developing country.

Plus, in my opinion, teaching how to find knowledge and organize them by using a computer is more important than just reading books nowadays. Someone likes reading books but he doesn’t know how to organize information that he learn through books by using a computer, he can’t learn effectively.

So, purchasing a computer for students has to be the first option to choose.

  1. “컴퓨터실 1실당 학생 수는 초등학교 343.24명, 중학교 464.80명, 고등학교 415.31명” - 출처: 2020년 초 ․ 중등학교 교육정보화 실태 조사 분석 104쪽. ↩︎

