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임상심리학/상담 및 심리치료

사례개념화 양식(Brief Dynamic Psychotherapy)

by 오송인 2023. 4. 26.

임상적 사레개념화




  • ex1) strikes back and conditionally relates to others
  • ex2) overconscientious and emotionally distant

패턴에 영향을 미치는 요인

Predisposition(cyclical maladaptive pattern)

  • Act of the self
    • ex) anxiety, depressed, outbursts, insomnia, chest pain
  • Acts of others toward the self
    • ex) parental demand for perfection
  • Expectations of others’ reaction
    • ex) high standard for her performance, be misunderstood
  • Acts of the self towards the self(introject)
    • ex) fear of not being perfect, self critical
  • Interactive countertransference

Risk factors


Protective factors and strengths


주호소(Presenting problem)

  • ex) confusion

치료 사례개념화

  • 어떻게 하면 보다 적응적인 패턴을 형성할 수 있을까?

치료 목표

  • 주호소 및 패턴과 연관
  • 1차 목표(긴급하고 단기적인), 2차 목표(덜 긴급하고 장기적인), 3차 목표(become their own therapists)
  • ex) experience insight and corrective interpersonal experiences

치료 초점

  • 치료 목표에 도달하는 데 가장 효과적인 경로. 치료의 방향성을 내포함
  • ex) troublesome interpersonal relationships triggered by his/her cyclic pattern

치료 전략

  • 어떤 수단으로 그 경로를 운행할 것인가
  • ex) use therapeutic relationship to foster experiential learning and revise cyclic pattern, interpretation, corrective emotional experience

치료 저해 요인

  • 부적응적 패턴에서 유추할 수 있는 치료 과정 저해 요인


  • Sperry, L., & Sperry, J. (2012). Case conceptualization : mastering this competency with ease and confidence. Routledge.
  • Sperry, L., & Sperry, J. (2021). The 15 minute case conceptualization : mastering the pattern-focused approach. Oxford University Press. 74-77쪽 실제 기술 양식 참고.

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