Blatt (1974) discussed two types of depression: (a) an "anaclitic," dependent type of depression, characterized by feelings of helplessness and weakness, by fears of being abandoned, and by wishes to be cared for, loved, and protected; and (b) an "introjective," self-critical or guilty type of depression, which is developmentally more advanced and characterized by intense feelings of inferiority, guilt, and worthlessness and by a sense that one must struggle to compensate for having failed to live up to expectations and standards. Recently, Arieti and Bemporad (1980) discussed a "dominant other" and a "dominant goal" type of depression. The dominant other orientation is characterized by a need for nurturance and support and "clingingness, passivity, manipulativeness and an avoidance of anger." The dominant goal orientation is characterized by a striving for "some lofty goal" and by "seclusive, arrogant and often obsessive" behavior (p. 1361). Beck (Note 1) recently discussed a "socially dependent" and an "autonomous" mode of depression, which he sees as congruent with Blatt's (1974) anaclitic and introjective types of depression (Beck, Note 2).
Blatt, S. J., Quinlan, D. M., Chevron, E. S., McDonald, C., & Zuroff, D. (1982). Dependency and self-criticism: Psychological dimensions of depression. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 50(1), 113–124.