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[49주차] Disorders of Personality: 19. Unstable Styles, Borderline Types, Cyclophrenic Disorders: The UBC Spectrum(pp. 933-937)

by 오송인 2022. 4. 3.

Differential Diagnoses

  • psychotic Axis I mood disorders vs. UBC personality patterns
    • Disorders, therefore, are transitory, of relative short duration, in contrast to the more permanent and disturbed lifestyle of the basic personality.(ego-dystonic vs ego-syntonic)
  • 스트레스가 지속되거나 입원이 잦아지면 둘 간의 경계가 흐려짐
  • Thought and perceptual pathologies are primary in the socially isolated schizotypal, whereas mood instability and ambivalence typify the interpersonally connected borderline.
  • SPH와의 차이: Both borderlines and histrionics give evidence of labile emotions associated with interpersonal manipulations and attention-seeking. However, borderlines are also noted by their angry disruptions in relationships with others and by their repetitive feelings of emptiness and loneliness.
  • MPP와의 차이: Although the paranoid shares the same level of severity as the borderline, there is a tendency toward rigidity and consistency in behavior that is lacking in the borderline, who also demonstrates a self-destructiveness and sense of aloneness not seen among paranoids.

Assessing the UBC Spectrum: An Assessment Case Study

  • 카드에 걸쳐 우울이나 공격성에 연관된 반응이 함께 나타날 수 있음.
  • 카드에 명확히 투사: Personal identifications may be readily observed, with the current emotional state and attitudes presented in a straightforward manner.

Case 19.4 Allen, 47

  • Desirous of seeking affection and approval from others,
    • Dependency strivings push him to be overly compliant, to be self-sacrificing, to downplay his personal strengths and attributes, and to place himself in inferior or demeaning positions.
  • yet unsure of their feelings toward him(그래서 다른 사람을 시험해 봄), smothered by deep resentments, yet fearful of the consequences of assertion and anger, Allen would often be in a state of turmoil, in an unresolvable conflict that precluded finding a single and stable course of action.
  • He may vacillate between being socially agreeable, sullen, aggrieved, despondent, obstructive, and contrite.
    • When threatened by separation and disapproval, he may express guilt and self-condemnation in the hope of regaining support, reassurance, and sympathy.
  • 우울, 분노, 조증을 오가는 불안정한 정동
    • 특히 의존과 불신을 오가는 가운데 성격적 구조로서의 dysthymia나 major depression을 지니게 될 수 있음("this moody and ambivalent man")
  • a moderate level of pathology characterizes the overall personality organization of this man.
    • Defective psychic structures suggest a failure to develop adequate internal cohesion and a less than satisfactory hierarchy of coping strategies.
    • Deficits in his social attainments
    • Although he is usually able to function on a satisfactory basis, he may experience periods of marked emotional, cognitive, or behavioral dysfunction.
