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Cultivating the Purpose

by 오송인 2023. 3. 5.

Happiness 2.0: Cultivating Your Purpose | Hidden Brain Media

The purpose of life is a big thing that’s not easy to find, like the meaning of life. It’s a very abstract thing, and we don’t usually think about it.

We only think about the meaning or purpose of life when we have a challenge in our life.

For the last ten years, I have been passionately involved my career, but I feel exhausted and sometimes I feel sick of my career because of the money that I make.

There are so many reasons why I can’t earn enough income, but it’s not important and I don’t care. The important thing is what I want to do with my career, but suddenly I realize that I don’t have time to think about it seriously.

In this episode of Hidden Brain, the host and the interviewee discuss about the purpose of life. As they said, it’s not a thing that I find, but rather It’s a thing that can be developed gradually.

However, before I develop my purpose, I should be able to explain my identity. Ask myself the questions: “Who am I?”, “What direction am I heading in?”, and only then I can ask myself “What is my purpose?”.

As a psychologist, I thought I know who am I and what I’m going to do. Maybe that is not true. I knew myself at some point in my life, but it’s not true in these days. I should find my identity, and then develop my purpose based on that identity.

I have been writing something in my noteapp every day and reviewing it periodically. I hope that this effort will allow me to find my identity and set a series of goals based on my purpose.

