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임상심리학/상담 및 심리치료

상담 및 심리치료 대인과정 접근 리딩 시작

by 오송인 2019. 1. 15.

Clinical training is stressful for many new therapists because they are painfully uncertain of what to do and how to proceed with their clients. Although they take helpful courses on counseling theories, helping/micro skills, and psychopathology, student therapists need more specific help as they approach their first clients in session. Fully cognizant of their limited experience and knowledge, and sometimes receiving contradictory input from different supervisors and practicum instructors, these trainees are often aware that they do not really know what to do or how to help their clients. Although bright and caring, many feel inadequate and worry about making mistakes or doing something wrong that could hurt their clients. New therapists need a conceptual framework to help them understand where they are trying to go in treatment, and why,in order to help their clients change. One of the primary goals of this foundational text is to replace the ambiguity that students often have about treatment with a well-developed framework for understanding how change occurs and what role the therapist-client relationship plays in the change process.

명성이 자자한 책이다. 대학원 다닐 때 상담심리 전공 동기들이 추천했던 책이기도 하다. 

머리말부터 위로 받는다. 내게 딱 맞는 친절한 선생님을 만난 느낌. 

상담에서 대체 내가 뭘 하고 있는 건지 잘 모르겠다 싶을 때가 많은데 이 책이 그런 uncertainity로부터 나를 조금이라도 해방시켜주기를 기원하며.

