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Go/No go Test와 Stroop Test CR 과제에서 측정하는 요인의 차이

by 오송인 2019. 11. 19.

From another standpoint, the Go/NoGo task might simply assess the ability to inhibit the execution of motor responses, while the cwm Stroop task might assess the ability of the subject to exert inhibition or interference control in higher cognitive tasks that involve working memory or flexible set shifting. 

출처: http://www.lib.okayama-u.ac.jp/www/acta/pdf/66_5_377.pdf

두 과제 모두 flexible set shifting 능력을 반영한다고 생각했는데, 실상 Go/No go는 set sfhifting보다는 운동반응 억제와의 관련성이 더 큰 듯함. 

