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Fake Bad Scale(FBS)의 낮은 타당도

by 오송인 2020. 7. 30.


In conclusion, scores on the FBS/FBS-r have been shown to be affected by many factors: emotional distress of whatever cause, including involvement in personal injury litigation, denying amoral values, having common physical problems and, more broadly, response styles of either/both over-reporting and under-reporting. Dr. Gass and I do not and did not deny that FBS scores may in some cases be strongly influenced by malingering, nor do/did we assert that such scores reflect nothing more than the common stresses attending personal injury litigation. The problem with this scale is that it affords the clinician no reliable, much less convincing, basis for determining which are which.


출처: Nichols, D. S. (2017). Fake bad scale: the case of the missing construct, a response to Larrabee, Bianchini, Boone, and Rohling (2017). The Clinical Neuropsychologist, 31(8), 1396–1400.


FBS에 포함된 문항이 이질적인 요인들로 이뤄져 있을 뿐만 아니라, 위 표에서 나타나듯이 증상 과대보고 과소보고에 각기 연관된 타당도 척도들과 두루두루 문항을 공유하기 때문에 결과적으로 이도저도 아닌 척도가 돼 버렸다는 것.


2019/07/19 - [영어공부/원서 읽기] - [MMPI-2 원서 읽기] FB, F(p), FBS

