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영어공부/영어 말하기61

What problem I have faced during speaking practice and how I have been overcoming this challenge - Though I practiced every day, I didn't feel that I was growing about my speaking skill. - I was never feeling like comfortable and condfident about the way I spoke English. - Even I understand in English well, when it's time to speak, I feel weird, or even blocked, so I was frustrated a lot. - But I had my own data of speaking practice, so when I felt bad during practicing, I just went on to p.. 2022. 12. 17.
Free-talking about My English Learning Journey (ver 2.0) I wanted to start talking about my english learning journey. I started learning English in 2018, maybe August. At the time I read some… read a book that book was a series was the book of Oxford bookworm series and it was maybe stage one, I mean it was really easy to read book and I finished that book then I read other books and finished repeatedly. As I finished books, I was confident about read.. 2022. 12. 3.
Zettelkasten in South Korea Zettelkasten in South Korea Note: I wrote about this Youtube episode and then talked freely. https://youtu.be/cqWalTXH7tc He explains his vision in simple and clear words. It's motivating to me. Even if when he can't find appropriate words to express his thinking, he thinks calmly for a while and continue to talk about his opinions. Anyway, in my understanding, his main vision is to make easy an.. 2022. 8. 12.
Mindfulness Speaking Practice 1.3 speed I read the quote from the book of mindfulness, which deals with depression. The author said that basis of mindfulness is back to our focus on something valuable or willing to try again when we are distracted by something. ​ This attitude is so important in speaking practice because we are going to fail, we are going to so many fail and mistake. So when we feel bad and distracted by thi.. 2022. 7. 15.
Building Lego blocks: How we create our own perspective Note: The transcript has been edited for clarity. Tiago Forte is an expert on knowledge management. ​ Recently he published his book. The book name is Building a Second Brain. ​ This book discusses about how we choose meaningful information, how we organize this information, and most of all how we create our knowledge in this selected information. ​ As time goes by, knowledge management will bec.. 2022. 7. 6.
[모집중] 1분 영어 셀프토크 녹음 모임 어떻게 하면 영어 아웃풋, 그 중에서도 스피킹 아웃풋을 더 많이 뽑아낼 수 있을까 올해 초부터 궁리하기 시작해서 몇 가지 루틴을 만들었습니다. 첫째, 가장 최근에는 이 유튜브 영상을 보고 영어로 혼잣말 한 것을 매일 녹음하고 있습니다. 아무말이라도 영어로 하다 보면 실력이 늘 수밖에 없습니다. 위 영상에서 인터뷰이가 말하듯이, 자신의 생각을 영어로 표현하는 과정에서 정확한 표현을 찾지 못한 데 따른 답답함이나 미진함이 남게 되고, 나중에 원하던 답을 만났을 때 '아하!' 경험으로 이어질 수 있기 때문입니다. 둘째, 한 동안 잘 하지 않던 Real Life app을 다시금 사용 중입니다. 전세계의 영어 학습자들과 음성 혹은 영상으로 최대 8분까지 통화할 수 있는 무료 어플입니다. 스스로 막혔던 표현을 정리.. 2022. 5. 13.
패턴영어 쉐도잉 누적 47일차 영어 베이비 왕초보 패턴북 60일을 교재로 패턴영어 쉐도잉한 지 오늘로 누적 47일째입니다. 출근길, 점심시간, 퇴근길에 길을 걸으며 쉐도잉합니다. 하루에 90분 정도 쉐도잉해야 주말 빼고 60일 걸리는 분량인데, 하루 90분을 투자한다는 것이 쉽지 않아서 최소 하루 10분은 쉐도잉한다는 마음으로 하고 있습니다. 지금까지 혼자 해 왔으나 역시 혼자서는 지속하기 어려운 느낌이 있어서 최근에 습습크루 오픈챗에 가입하여 활동하고 있습니다. 일전에 [영어책 10번만 읽으면 네이티브 된다]라는 책을 블로그에 언급한 바 있는데, 이 책의 저자인 오지연 선생님이 만든 오픈챗으로 저마다의 영어습관을 시스템화하는 데 도움이 됩니다. 자세한 내용은 여기서 확인하실 수 있어요. 패턴북 60일을 마치면 일전에 하다가 중단한 .. 2021. 5. 12.
[쉐도잉 #6] Catch Word #242 – That rings a bell! esl.culips.com/2021/04/catch-word-242-that-rings-a-bell/ Catch Word #242 – That rings a bell! | Culips English Podcast Posted by Andrew Bates 17 Dec, 2020 There are many ways to say, “It’s OK” and reassure someone. In this episode, Kassy and Andrew cover... esl.culips.com 앞부분 쉐도잉 해봤어요. 속도는 0.8입니다. 2021. 4. 23.
[쉐도잉 #5] Learning The English Language Is A Marathon Not A Sprint Ep 418 adeptenglish.com/lessons/learn-english-language-8/ Learning The English Language Is A Marathon Not A Sprint Ep 418 So how long does it take to learn to speak English? Learning to speak the English language is going to be a marathon, not a Sprint. Here at Adept English we help you get a great time for your marathon, but we cannot change the race into a sprint. Even when adeptenglish.com 내용 자체는 어렵.. 2021. 3. 31.
[쉐도잉 #4] 입트영 3/15, 3/16 3/15 flesh out 살을 붙이다, 구체화하다 at the very least 최소한 off the top of one's head 즉석에서, 고민 없이 3/16 come across ~을 우연히 발견하다 a lump sum of money 목돈 put it into action 실천으로 옮기다 2021. 3. 22.