반응형 영어공부/원서 읽기222 [13주차] DBT Principles in Action: CHAPTER 13 Dialectical Strategies INTRO ...keep in mind that these are not intended as behavioral change strategies; instead, they augment the problem-solving enterprise by creating movement, speed, and flow and by shifting trajectories and creatively unbalancing certain rigid predicaments. BALANCING TREATMENT STRATEGIES “I realize that you feel the way you do, and it makes a lot of sense [validation]; but I want you to express .. 2022. 4. 26. [52주차, 끝] Disorders of Personality: 19. Unstable Styles, Borderline Types, Cyclophrenic Disorders: The UBC Spectrum(pp. 948-952) 환자와의 관계에서 신뢰롭게 행동해야 함: any strong emotions that the therapist fails to contain should be partially acknowledged 기본적 신뢰의 결여로 인해 친밀감을 두려워 함. 치료자가 어떻게 해야 환자가 보다 편안해질 수 있겠는지 피드백을 부탁해야 함. 나아졌다고 생각한다 해서 치료를 일방적으로 관두는 것은 안 된다는 것을 치료 초기에 명확히 함(상호합의에 의한 종결). 유혹적이거나 자기파괴적으로 행동하면서 치료자의 주의를 끌고자 할 때는 단호하지만 nonattacking한 방식으로 치료 목표 재진술하고 정서조절에 필요한 safe grounding(?) 제공. Domain-Oriented Techniques A supportive .. 2022. 4. 23. [11-12주차] DBT Principles in Action: CHAPTER 12 Validation INTRO Just listening, looking, being there with and for someone else is validating. It frequently fails us when we are treating an individual with a high degree of emotional sensitivity and reactivity, a long history in a pervasively invalidating environment, and therefore a strong tendency toward self-invalidation. We try to validate; it doesn’t work. It doesn’t go as we expect. We don’t make t.. 2022. 4. 18. [51주차] Disorders of Personality: 19. Unstable Styles, Borderline Types, Cyclophrenic Disorders: The UBC Spectrum(pp. 943-947) Releasing Tensions The pleading, the anguish, and the expressed despair and resignation of borderlines serve to release their inner anxieties and to externalize and vent the fright and torment they sense within themselves. 우울이 다른 사람의 마음을 되돌리는 수단이 되기도 하지만 다른 사람에게 '교훈'을 가르쳐 주기 위한 분노 표출의 수단(그럼으로써 다른 사람에게 죄책감 느끼게 하는 수단)으로 활용될 수도 있음 Impulsive borderlines: ...Thus, in the form of recalcitrant depressi.. 2022. 4. 16. [50주차] Disorders of Personality: 19. Unstable Styles, Borderline Types, Cyclophrenic Disorders: The UBC Spectrum(pp. 938-942) The Petulant Borderline Type active-ambivalent or negativistic 부모의 비일관성: They learned that nothing is free of conflict and that they are trapped in a bind. 발달 과정에서 희망을 잃지 않을 정도로는 의존 욕구가 충족된 경험 버림 받았다는 느낌을 피하기 위해 그 자신이 다른 사람을 소외시키며 수용받지 못할 만한 방식으로 행동하는 것도 있음 Dejected, angry, and pessimistic, they may periodically become violent, exploding with bitter complaints and recriminations against the worl.. 2022. 4. 7. [49주차] Disorders of Personality: 19. Unstable Styles, Borderline Types, Cyclophrenic Disorders: The UBC Spectrum(pp. 933-937) Differential Diagnoses psychotic Axis I mood disorders vs. UBC personality patterns Disorders, therefore, are transitory, of relative short duration, in contrast to the more permanent and disturbed lifestyle of the basic personality.(ego-dystonic vs ego-syntonic) 스트레스가 지속되거나 입원이 잦아지면 둘 간의 경계가 흐려짐 Thought and perceptual pathologies are primary in the socially isolated schizotypal, whereas mood in.. 2022. 4. 3. [10주차] DBT Principles in Action: CHAPTER 11 Behavioral Chain Analysis THE NATURE AND FUNCTIONS OF BEHAVIORAL CHAIN ANALYSIS especially during Stage 1 As the primary means of assessment for determining the controlling variables of the primary target behaviors As the initial step in the CBT-based problem-solving sequence (the subsequent steps being insight; solution analysis; change procedures) As the organizing framework of the session—the platform of therapy sessi.. 2022. 4. 3. [48주차] Disorders of Personality: 19. Unstable Styles, Borderline Types, Cyclophrenic Disorders: The UBC Spectrum(pp. 927-932) Self-Destructive Cyclophrenic Personality Disorder In a manner similar to the petulant borderline, self-destructive subtypes are unable to ‘‘get hold of themselves’’ and unable to find a comfortable niche with others. 차이점은 보다 intropunitive하다는 것. depressive or masochistic traits을 지닐 수 있음. This social propriety cloaked deep and increasingly intense, but suppressed antagonisms. To control these opp.. 2022. 3. 25. [9주차] DBT Principles in Action: CHAPTER 10 Commitment and Commitment Strategies INTRO DBT를 받게 되는 사람은 인생에서 너무 많은 실패와 좌절을 경험해 왔기 때문에 전념한다는 것 자체가 난제일 수 있음. If you have a great set of tools and materials for building a house, and you have the skills to do it and the blueprints in front of you, you still will not build the house if you cannot generate and maintain the necessary commitment to exert the required effort. commitment is conceptualized as: (1) eliciting commitmentrela.. 2022. 3. 25. [47주차] Disorders of Personality: 19. Unstable Styles, Borderline Types, Cyclophrenic Disorders: The UBC Spectrum(pp. 923-927) And second, even though we recognize that severe pathology does not fall into sharply defined subtypes, we have differentiated several structurally deteriorated patterns in accordance with their dominant predecompensated personality styles. 2022. 3. 20. 이전 1 2 3 4 5 ··· 23 다음 반응형